Sideview (Panel)

Sideview Panel.

The Sideview is a vital tool for visualising the splay of a loudspeaker system on a 2D cutview of the 3D View.

Throw Lines are visible to illustrate the aiming of each loudspeaker, drawn from the centre of each enclosure.

Selecting an Array

To choose which loudspeaker is shown in the sideview, simply click it within the 3D View, or click it in the sources list in the Source Manager, with the exception of horizontal subwoofer arrays, which do not show a side view.

Just like the Probes, Sideviews are fully integrated into the Multi-Window System and show a button with a specific colour and a crosshair on the right-hand side of their header. This allows having multiple independent Probes windows.
The colour shown in the header corresponds to the colour of the outline around the selected source in the 3D view (orange in the image below)!
Probes and Sideview colour.
If you click a loudspeaker in the 3D view, the default selection is made. The default selection applies is identical both Sideview and Probes. If you have not selected another array in the Sideview or Probes window, it always refers to the default selection.
If you wish to have multiple independent Probes or Sideviews, click the crosshair and then another array in the 3D view.
A new colour will be assigned and the specific Sideview window is now independent of the default selection
Multiple independent Sideviews

As with all Panels, the Sideview Panel can be resized and moved using Panel Drag & Drop, and ‘popped out’ into an additional System Optimiser window. The location of this Panel will be saved as part of the current View Mode.