Add New Quad.

Drawing a Quad

To add a Quad, click the first (square) button in the Layer Manager’s top bar. This will present a controller where the following parameters can be adjusted:


A helpful name should be entered here to allow for easy recognition of the layer within the sources list. There are times when the name will have prefixes or suffixes appended, depending on how the layer was created:

  • “Copy of” … - prefix appended when the visual layer was duplicated.

  • “Continue of” … - prefix appended when the visual layer was continued.

  • “Mirror of” … - prefix appended when the visual layer was mirrored.

  • … “- Imported” – suffix appended when the visual layer was imported.

Columns vs Rows

With regards to the data entry boxes at the top of the controller, these are arranged in rows and columns. The left column of data pertains to the ‘start’ edge coordinates of the layer. The right column pertains to the ‘end’ edge coordinates of the layer. Data from this ‘end’ edge is used when continuing a layer. The rows from top to bottom perform the action of the label to their left.

Interdependence of Range & Angle vs Depth & Height

All of the parameters within the data table on the layer controller (with the exception of ‘Width’) can be described in either angular or cartesian terms. This is to say that when constructing a layer, the start and end coordinates can either be described as depth and height (cartesian), or as range and angle (angular). The application automatically converts between angular and cartesian continuously; that is to say that when a depth and height is entered, the range and angle are automatically computed & vice versa.

Start/End Width

The start & end width of the Quad define the length of the faces parallel to the Y-Axis. In its initial state, with no transformations applied, the start width controls the length of the face of the layer closest to and parallel to the Y-Axis origin, while the end width controls the length of the face of the layer parallel to and furthest away from the Y-Axis origin.

Start/End Depth

With no transformations applied, the start depth controls the distance of the start face from the Y-Axis origin, whilst the end depth controls the distance of the end face from the Y-Axis origin. If the depth controls are moved in a positive direction from zero, the face of the quad will move downstage from the origin & vice versa.

Start/End Height

With no transformations applied, the start height controls the distance of the start face from the Z-Axis origin, whilst the end height controls the distance of the end face from the Z-Axis Origin.

Start/End Range

With no transformations applied, the start range parameter defines the absolute shortest path from the origin to the centre of the start face of the layer. The end range parameter defines the absolute shortest path from the origin to the centre of the end face of the layer. These values are equivalent to the distance that would be read from a laser rangefinder.

Start/End Angle

With no transformations applied, the start angle parameter defines the angle of the centre of the start face of the layer from the origin. The end angle parameter defines the angle of the centre of the end face of the layer from the origin. These values are equivalent to the inclinometer angle that would be read from a laser rangefinder.


The Appearance drop-down list allows the layer to either have a solid colour applied in the 3D View, or be used as a Floor Plan.


With the appearance set to ‘Colour’, a colour picker is shown. Clicking and dragging the mouse pointer around this will set adjust the tint of the base plane. There are two sliders below the colour picker which adjust hue and alpha (transparency).


Add a Pan or Angular Transformation.

Ear Height

Add an audience listening height to the layer. This will be drawn in light blue in the 3D View.

Quad - Layer Controller.