Microphones (Settings)

Microphone Settings.

These settings relate to the graph found in the Microphones Panel.

Manual Scale

With manual scale enabled, the maximum and minimum limits of the Y-Axis scale on the Microphones graph can be defined. When the manual scale button is pressed, the automatic scale button is released.

Automatic Scale

With automatic scale enabled, the two parameters presented are ‘headroom’ and ‘range’:

  • The maximum limit of the Y-Axis is locked to the highest value of data detected within the graph, plus the headroom value. It is therefore possible to stretch the graph, or clamp down on it.

  • The minimum limit of the Y-Axis is locked to the maximum limit determined by the method above, with the range subtracted.

Automatic scaling is useful for when switching frequently between different systems with varying level of output, to check their frequency response. It is not particularly useful for setting the levels of various systems however, as the scale will naturally change frequently. When the automatic scale button is pressed, the manual scale button is released.